Bag Ports, also called Port Plates or Port Disks, are made for ultrasonic or thermal welding to like materials used in the medical and pharmaceutical industries. They are used in bags containing drug compounds, cell culture (both animal and plant), fermentation, and other fluids. Bag Ports can be found in many laboratory environments and some agricultural uses – ranging from 1/8″ to 1″.

Browse Opposing Barb Port DiscsFlat Plate Port DiscsMini Dome Port Discs, and Ribbed Base Port Plates. Available in a single-use Polypropylene, E8402, and Natural Kynar® flex material.

Available Materials

A POE copolymer that offers excellent performance as it is durable and flexible. Parts molded in this material provide high clarity. The material’s low density can reduce the weight of end products. E8402 is the perfect material for bag ports as the port will curve with the bag film rather than being a rigid material working against the bag film. The barb will also flex, giving our parts an advantage over other brittle materials that could crack with sideload.

Kynar Flex®
A Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) copolymer offers flexibility, chemical resistance, imperviousness to UV, barrier properties and high purity. Kynar Flex is the perfect material for bag ports that can be ultrasonic welding to a Kynar® bag. The barb will also flex giving our parts an advantage over other brittle materials that could crack with sideload.